Movie Roundup #3

1. The Possession - 2/3 screaming 1/3 demonic sex murder, with a dash of throwing up. I don't begrudge anybody their skinless betentacled demon lover, but this movie was not for me and it probably isn't for you either.

2. The Thing from Another World - Leaving out shapeshifting aspect of Campbell's original Thing was an unfortunate choice because it renders this version a perfectly fine but pretty ordinary monster story. Bonus points for including a sassy lady with witty dialogue.

3. My Winnipeg - This movie reminded me of A Christmas Story, but if you replaced Christmas with Winnipeg. I wanted to get it, but I didn't. However, I screamed with laughter when the narrator referred to the local hockey arena as "my male parent." Kevin liked it. Recommend for Canadians.

4. Steel Magnolias - Fav line: "I don't know how you're doin' on the inside, honey, but your hair's holdin' up wonderful!" A nearly perfect movie, but for giving Shirley MacLaine a male lover . Otherwise, no notes. We laughed, *I* cried. Drink your juice, Shelby!


Movie Roundup #4


Movie Roundup #2